
Hi there, I'm the one they call The Big Bug.

Yup. That's right. I'm kinda the big bug around here. I do some weird music stuff over at my youtube channel

Who am I?

----------------------------------------Me, circa 2020.----------------------------------------

Me, 2020.

----------------------------------------Me, circa 2020.----------------------------------------

Now, I know what you're thinking. And no, I am not a six(ty) year old. I am really trying to make this page look full so I could say something like for more info go to blah blah but seriously this is just here so that I can have a reason to add another page to the site. For more info click here

muzak stuff

Below, you can see me play something in my squeezebox, which is quite nice.

Balfolk isn't the only music thing I do, I also compose a bunch of stuff you can find over in my musescore account

Fantasia by Emre Enercan